Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster

Like the article says, this isn’t about making fun of a guy that lost his home, that is a terrible thing.

Having said that, making fun of a backwards thinking, knuckle dragging, moron is just funny.

Tony Perkins, president of the anti-gay religious lobbying group the Family Research Council, had his home destroyed by the massive flooding ravaging Southern Louisiana this week.

Source: Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster – DeadState

Judge Dismisses Ticket When Woman Early

I am a strict rule follower.  Even if you think the rule is unfair or ridicules I believe you need to follow the rules.  If you do thing the rule is wrong then you need to change it, not break it.  Follow the rule until you can have it changed.

Now, in this case, this case the broken rule is ridicules.  This lady received a ticket for parking two seconds early.  That’s right, two seconds early. The area was no parking until 10:00 AM and she received a ticket at 9:59:58 AM.

The judge had a laugh and then let her off. The article has a video.

It’s not all doom and gloom in this judiciary court – in fact, Chief Judge Frank Caprio tries to make it feel like quite the opposite.

Source: Humorous Judge Dismisses “Ridiculous” Ticket When Woman Parks 2 Seconds Early – Good News Network

Fake Beauty Ads With Mental Health Meaning

Funny ads focused on ending stigma through storytelling. There are three video ads to watch and they certainly tell a story.  Although, I don’t understand the EAU C D ad, but maybe that’s the point.

Watch the ads here.

The commercials cover the symptoms that come along with mental health conditions, such as panic attacks, extreme stress and rumination. Anxiety and OCD are represented by perfumes, called “Anxiété” and “Eau C D,” and trauma is personified through a long-wear lipstick.

Source: These Fake Beauty Ads Have A Secret Mental Health Meaning | The Huffington Post