Open Source Textbooks

Tuition is expensive but the books are even more expensive.  I’m sure things have change since I was to school but I remember paying for tuition and feeling like I just paid a large amount of money for nothing (I didn’t know better) but then I had to pay just as much if not more for books that I was going to use too much.  Now I used some books cover to cover, but there was no reason for the cost.

The idea of cutting costs by using Open Source Textbooks is a wonderful things.

Read the article to get more details. I can’t explain it properly.

Textbook prices have risen by over 800% in the last thirty years – so these two states are going to do something about it.

Source: States to Cut College Costs by Introducing Open Source Textbooks – Good News Network

Canada Rules to Uphold Net Neutrality

While the whole world is  trying to restrict or charge extra for certain types of internet use Canada has taken a leading step of keep all data equal.

Big companies that provide internet services have wanted to charge extra if you want to listen to music or watch videos.  The CRTC had said that all data is equal and now has a new framework for fairness.

Now that is a simplified view on a complex topic, but this is a great thing for Canada.  Hopefully the rest of the world follows.

This framework supports a fair marketplace for services, cultural expression and ideas in which Internet service providers compete on price, quality of service, speeds, data allowance and better service offerings, rather than by treating the data usage of certain content differently.

Internet providers will not longer be able to give preferential treatment to other services with slanted pricing and speeds.

Source: Canada Rules to Uphold Net Neutrality – Good News Network

What went right in 2016

Many people have said that the year 2016 was the worse year ever.  Now that is a total load of crap because there have been two world wars and I’m sure they rank a little but higher.

Having said that, 2016 wasn’t a great year between the celebrity deaths and the mess that was the US election, you can see why people were upset with the year in general.

This article give us 20 things that went right in 2016 and some of them are amazing great!

Source: What went right in 2016